Market failure

Market failure exists when the competitive outcome of markets is not efficient from the point of view of the economy as a whole. This is usually because the benefits that the market confers on individuals or firms carrying out a particular activity diverge from the benefits to society as a whole.

A government drive to encourage people to switch tariffs is a laughable response to our broken energy system (Shop around for savings, energy customers told, 18 October). The big six energy companies supply 99% of British households and make massive profits from a stitched-up market. They stand to make many billions by keeping us hooked on increasingly expensive fossil fuels. Consumers are already being hit hard by the energy companies' stranglehold – they alone do not have the power to break it. Instead of cosying up to the big six and cutting funding for energy efficiency, the government should be creating a fair system that provides energy we can all afford – that's why our Final Demand campaign is calling for an urgent public inquiry into the behaviour and influence of the big six.
Andy Atkins
Friends of the Earth

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