Repeat Post - for pupils taking AS


If you have done all the below, are able to answer the questions, have read through your notes, clicked the various links (jessica etc) and looked at exemplars AND structure your answers properly AND don't run out of time....IF you have done all that then you should get above 70% on Paper 1 and above 60% on paper 2 in the mock exams and, of course, grade A in the summer.

1. Check you can answer all the revision questions

Theme 1

Theme 2

If you can't, then read it, learn it....

2. Make sure you are practiced at looking at newspaper articles etc and being able to answer questions on these

3. Make sure you know appropriate diagrams for macro policies and of course, micro using demand and supply etc.

4. Make sure you know HOW to answer questions - what is being looked for etc. - and how NOT to do it....

5. Make sure you have read the macro economics revision chapter given out...this has been covered in class

6. Revise these

7. Download and look through these - could you answer the questions? Don't just casually look through them, give them your serious attention.....

8. Download and slowly read through these THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT


A level (2015) Economics B

DateUnit codeUnit title
15 May a.m.8EB0 01AS Economics B Paper 1
22 May a.m.8EB0 02AS Economics B Paper 2
6 June p.m.9EB0 01AL Economics B Paper 1
13 June p.m.9EB0 02AL Economics B Paper 2
19 June p.m.9EB0 03AL Economics B Paper 3

10. Remember what has been achieved by others who PLANNED their study and revision....

As a further booster (especially if you have ever had a job) there's this.....

You have approximately SIX weeks left of lessons for content (as one week will be going through the mock...)

And don't forget to......