Theme 2 revision questions

Essential Revision Questions for Theme 2
1.    Large firms gain a competitive advantage over smaller rivals so they can…….
2.    Define economies of scale
3.    Internal economies are where….?
4.    Explain technical economies of scale
5.    Explain marketing economies of scale
6.    Explain managerial economies of scale
7.    Explain two more economies of scale….
8.    Define and explain external economies of scale
9.    Explain minimum efficient scale
10. What is a) a monopsony b) a monopoly
11. Why is brand recognition so important?
12. Draw a diagram to show diseconomies of scale and give examples
13. Define corporate culture
14. Define organic growth
15. List six ways a business may grow
16. Complete:


17. What is ‘conglomerate integration’?
18. Define ‘competitive advantage ‘and explain how R&D may give you a competitive advantage
19. What is the importance of risk spreading economies?
20. What are the incentives to increase market power?
21. What is the difference between ‘product innovation’ and ‘process innovation’?
22. What is the role of Innovate UK?
23. What extension strategies are there for the product life cycle?
24. How does asymmetric information arise and what is the significance of this?
25. What is ‘viral marketing’?
26. What are the advantages of online retailing compared to High Street stores? (Make sure you read:
27. What is ‘viral marketing’?
28. What is micro marketing?
29. Explain ‘creative destruction’
30. Draw and explain ‘the Long Tail’
31. What advantages do small firms offer? (make sure you read:
32. Small firms may differentiate over a) USP b) flexibility c) customer service d) niche markets e) relationships – make sure you can expand on each point
33. What is the relevance of ‘ceteris paribus’ to PED, YED etc?
34. What factors influence PED?
35. How is PED important for a business?
36. List and explain six types of pricing
37. What factors influence the most appropriate pricing strategy?
38. Demand is price inelastic – would you gain by raising price?
39. How may price change to reflect social trends?
40. Non-price competition is using the marketing mix – what is in the marketing mix?
41. What are the advantages of online distribution to a) customers and b) businesses?
42. What factors affect the degree of income elasticity?
43. How income elasticity of is demand important to a business – and are there limitations to its use?
44. Define ’recession’
45. Define productivity
46. List six factors influencing productivity?
47. How does productivity affect competitiveness? (Make sure you read:
48. How does productivity affect economic growth?
49. Define ‘human capital’?
50. Define ‘investment’
51. Define a) capital intensive and b) labour intensive production
52. Much capital is purpose designed – what is the problem with that?
53. What is the formula for capacity utilisation?
54. State and explain two different ways of meeting quality standards
55. Define cell production
56. What is the difference between quality control and quality assurance?
57. Explain the usefulness of Kaizen
58. What are the disadvantages to JIT?
59. Why are lead times important to lean production?
60. What is the relevance of market research to competitive advantage?
61. How have open economies affected globalisation?
62. Why does structural change come with globalisation? (Make sure you watch the videos at: )
63. What is the attraction of the UK to FDI?
64. What made globalisation possible?
65. What is ‘trade liberalisation’?
66. What are ‘international capital flows’?
67. How do developments in transport and communication cut the costs of international trade/
68. What is a MNC?
69. Define a) developed economies  b) developing economies  c) em3erging economies
70. Why is GDP not a very satisfactory indicator of growth?
71. What does HDI measure and what does it NOT tell us?
72. What is the difference between mean and median incomes?
73. Define and explain absolute advantage?
74. Define and explain comparative advantage?
75. Explain ‘common markets’?
76. What is the connection between international trade and economic growth?
77. In the context of trade, what are ‘invisibles’?
78. What is a ‘floating exchange rate’?
79. If sterling rises, who loses?
80. If sterling falls, who loses?
81. How might a fall in the exchange rate cause inflation?
82. What are the stages of th4e economic cycle?
83. What are ‘animal spirits’?
84. Complete the table:


Skills shortages




85. Explain the terms ‘leading and lagging indicators’
86. How MAY a recession affect a firm? (It depends…..)
87. What are the leakages in the circular flow of income?
88. What are the injections in the circular flow of income?
89. The formula for AD =…..?What are capital goods?
90. What is the ‘balance of trade’?
91. Now watch this:
92. What is a) inflation b) deflation c) reflation?
93. What are a) index numbers and b) weights?
94. What is the difference between real and nominal values?
95. Watch this and make notes:
96. How might inflation affect a firm?
97. What is a wage-price spiral?
98. How might inflation affect and individual?
99. How is unemployment measured?
100.               What causes structural unemployment?
101.               What is technological unemployment?
102.               What are two types of labour immobility and how may the government reduce each?
103.               What are the main causes of unemployment/
104.               Watch this and then be able to explain what can cause unemployment:
105.               How might unemployment affect a firm?
106.               How might unemployment affect and individual?
107.               What are the four main macroeconomic objectives?
108.               Watch this and then be able to explain how to reduce demand pull inflation:
109.               Why is zero inflation NOT the target?
110.               What is on the current account?
111.               What is an external deficit?
112.               Watch this and be able to explain how a falling pound may cause inflation:
113.               When does a current account occur?
114.               Watch this and be able to use it to show the impact of a current account deficit;
115.               What is a) real income b) disposable income?
116.               Explain expansionary fiscal policy
117.               What is the difference between a) direct and b) indirect taxes
118.               Define ‘national debt’
119.               What is a contractionary policy?
120.               What are austerity policies?
121.               Using this: explain the possible effect of austerity policies on the economy
122.               What decisions are taken by the Monetary Policy Committee?
123.               Using this: explain the impact of a rise in interest rates on the economy
124.               List seven supply side policies?
125.               Using this: explain the effect of supply side policies on the economy
126.               What do the CMA do? (Read:
127.               Explain the main macroeconomic policy conflicts. (Also watch here:
128.               Explain the significance of ‘short termism’
129.               What is ‘sustainable growth’?
130.               What are a) free market policies and b) interventionist policies?
131.               The government may intervene using subsidies. Arguments for/against?
132.               The government may intervene using taxes to reduce market failure.   Advantages/disadvantages/
133.               The government may intervene by banning the product – problems?
134.               The government may intervene for macroeconomic aims – using this: explain how the government may intervene to reduce inflation, or stimulate growth.
135.               Is inflation a problem|?
136.               If PED = -0.6 what does that tell us about revenue if we raise our prices?
137.               What are quality circles?

138.               What is the significance of elasticity if we follow a penetration pricing policy?