Public Lectures at LSE

Recorded on: 18 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Danny Dorling
In more equal countries, human beings are generally happier and healthier, there is less crime, more creativity and...
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Recorded on: 18 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Catharine A MacKinnon
The minuscule motion of a butterfly’s wings can trigger a tornado half a world away, according to chaos theory. Under...
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Recorded on: 17 May 2017
Speaker(s): Dr Mary Bousted, Peter Hitchens, Melissa Benn, Mark Morrin, Harriet Sergeant
In response to the Government's May 2017 Schools White Paper, the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) and Times...
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Recorded on: 16 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Jonathan Wolff
For much of the early part of the twentieth century, political theorists debated the moral and economic merits of...
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Recorded on: 15 May 2017
Speaker(s): Kyriakos Mitsotakis
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, in conversation with Kevin Featherstone, will speak on the topic of populism and the potential of...
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Recorded on: 15 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Jane Mansbridge
The Trump election and the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom revealed that some members of the political class were not...
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Recorded on: 11 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Alison Gopnik
In the past 15 years, we have discovered that even young children are adept at inferring causal relationship. But are...
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Recorded on: 9 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor David S Bell, Rokhaya Diallo, Professor Philippe Marlière
A panel of leading scholars and commentators will debate what the outcome of the election tells us about the prospects...
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Recorded on: 8 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Simon Blackburn, Dr Olivier Driessens, Professor Edith Hall
If video killed the radio star, how are we to understand celebrity in a world of Twitter, YouTube, and reality TV? Has...
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Recorded on: 3 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Sheila Fitzpatrick
Western Scholars are non-commital. Putin's Russia is embarrassed. How should the centenary be commemorated?...
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Recorded on: 3 May 2017
Speaker(s): Dr Marco Cinnirella, Dr Katharine Jenkins, Joe Mulhall, Dr Amir Saeed
With recent political events and a spike in the reporting of hate crime, the concept of prejudice has become prominent...
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Recorded on: 2 May 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Michael Cox, Dr Abby Innes, Professor Mike Savage
Can we learn something about Europe's future by turning to its past? Prominent scholars reflect on a year in history...
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Recorded on: 26 April 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Charlie Beckett, Gideon Rachman, Dr Leslie Vinjamuri, Professor Joan C. Williams
Join the US Centre for a roundtable debate about the 45th US President’s first 100 days in office. A panel of academics...
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Recorded on: 25 April 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Susan Buck-Morss
In the twenty-first century any world war is a civil war, and any civil war affects the world. Does this mean the end...
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Recorded on: 25 April 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Arne Westad
The election of Donald Trump as President signals a profound change in US foreign relations. Basic US approaches to the...
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Recorded on: 24 April 2017
Speaker(s): Dr Jean-Yves Duclos
While being a university professor, Jean-Yves Duclos had the opportunity to comment on governmental decisions. Now that...
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Recorded on: 11 April 2017
Speaker(s): Dr Jim Yong Kim
On the eve of the World Bank Group – International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings, World Bank Group President Jim Yong...
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Recorded on: 5 April 2017
Speaker(s): Tiffany Dufu
At this event Tiffany Dufu will talk about her new book, Drop the Ball, which is a memoir, manifesto and map for women...
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Recorded on: 29 March 2017
Speaker(s): Professor Alexander Betts, Professor Paul Collier
At this event in which they will talk about their new book, Paul Collier and Alexander Betts will discuss how the world...
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Recorded on: 28 March 2017
Speaker(s): Julia Hardy, Andrew Keen, Martha Lane Fox, Professor Sugata Mitra, Sue Palmer
In this new series of debates entitled Glass Half Full, being recorded for broadcast on BBC Radio 4, Fi Glover pits...
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