Strong and unstable?

Theresa May has not yet been Prime Minister for three months and she has already u-turned on five significant policy issues:
  • EU citizens’ right to remain: During her leadership campaign May refused to guarantee the status of EU nationals living in the UK, now the government says they are “100% sure” they’ll be allowed to stay.
  • Hinkley Point: May announced a welcome pause on the new power plant, before approving the same deal proposed by Osborne.
  • Northern PowerhouseReports suggested May had decided to ditch Osborne’s pet project, she’s now said she’s fully behind it.
  • Foreign doctors: Jeremy Hunt suggested foreign doctors wouldn’t be able to stay in the country if they could be replaced by British recruits. May then failed three times in an interview to say the policy would go ahead.
  • Foreign staff lists: Amber Rudd’s plan to force companies to publish how many foreign staff they employ has now been abandoned.