2 (a)
One mark for identifying a reason plus one mark for explaining the reason
Possible reasons include:
job satisfaction from this type of work, possibly more creative/higher status
could be better paid
chance to become a celebrity chef!.
2 (b)
Possible reasons include:
risk – Brendan expects a higher reward for the uncertainty of his work
legality – Brendan’s work in on the fringes of legality, probably doesn’t pay tax etc
training – Ali is receiving training that may allow him to earn more than Brendan in the
2 (c)
The following issues may be considered:
Arguments for studying for a degree:
potential for much greater earning during someone’s lifetime
provides more ‘theoretical’ background than employment in restaurant could give
personal satisfaction of studying a subject the person enjoys
increases employability.
Arguments against studying for a degree:
costs involved – takes several years to recoup university fees etc and ‘catch up’ with
is studying for degree in catering and hospitality likely to be seen as a valid experience
by employers?
misses out on practical experiences working in a restaurant.
many successful entrepreneurs do not have a degree