3 (a)
For each reason:
One mark for identifying a reason plus 1 mark for an explanation
Possible answers
only buying local produce means costs of food items are likely to be higher, he won’t buy
from the cheapest source if it involves long distances of transport
organic food is more expensive as chemical fertilizers etc cannot be used to increase
also allow other reasonable actions that an ethical business might take – eg paying staff
more than other restaurants, donating to charity – to maintain its ethical standing.
3 (b)
Possible answers
a fall in the value of the pound would encourage foreign visitors to come to the UK as
they would get more sterling for their own currency. This might increase the number of
overseas’ customers at Robbie and Pascal’s restaurant and increase its profits
a fall in the value of the pound would make food brought from abroad more expensive
for Robbie and Pascal to buy. This would increase the restaurant’s costs and reduce its
a fall in the value of the pound could make it more expensive for competing restaurants
who buy most of their food from abroad. They might need to raise their prices and
become less competitive. Robbie and Pascal’s restaurant uses mostly local produce so
their costs would not be greatly affected. The restaurant might become more
competitive and increase its profits.
3 (c)
The following issues may be considered:
Benefits of allowing students to stay
will add to stock of highly educated workforce
students who come to UK likely to be more enterprising eg Pascal wanted to start a
likely to be high earners so will pay tax to government.
Downside of allowing students to stay
some believe UK is already over-populated
might encourage proliferation of ghost college courses as a means of allowing economic
migrants to UK.
Do not reward anything of a racist nature
NB residency restrictions do not apply to EU citizens