Year 9 June 2016 Marking guidelines

2 (a)

1 mark (AO1) for each correct wage deduction – maximum 2 marks 

Possible deductions include 

• income tax/PAYE 

• national Insurance 

• student loan payments 

• pension contribution 

• loan repayment 

• rent 

• court fine. 

NB ‘Tax’ is acceptable but this must not refer to an incorrect tax (eg VAT, corporation tax)

2 (b)

1 mark for identifying factor + 1 mark for development/explanation 

Apply twice. 

Possible answers include 

• minimum national wage/living wage 

• wages paid in similar shops 

• experience and skills of assistants 

• antisocial hours eg evening/weekend working 

• willingness of employees to accept this wage 

• motivational factors 

• how much can shop afford to pay. 


Her parents probably looked at what assistants in similar shops were paid (1). If the Taylors gave less than this, they might not attract the employees (1).