Question 1
1 (a) pt 1
Answer: 1 mark awarded for box 3: An alternative item that has to be given up
2 or 3 ticks – zero marks
1 (a) pt II
Answer: 1 mark awarded for box 2: Being unable to buy a new violin
2 or 3 ticks – zero marks
1 (b)
Possible answers include
• it increases the debt she already has
• believe prices will fall so will be cheaper in future
• opportunity for her to buy the violin instead
• running costs will be high (eg insurance, petrol).
One mark for correct factor (AO1), plus one mark for development/description (AO2)
Apply twice.
NB: Do not allow running costs (eg insurance and petrol costs) for both reasons
Do not credit falling prices for both reasons even if explanations are different