Where to get ideas from

You want to start a business. Awesome. So does 65% of the 20-something crowd. The fact that you’re on this website, reading this article, means that the odds are pretty high that you’re interested in starting a business.
Just one small thing. You need an idea.
Ideas are where businesses germinate. If you can come up with the idea, the business building part will follow.
Where do you get an idea? Here are five ways that you can come up with an idea for starting your next business.
1. Identify your biggest source of satisfaction.
Any career counselor or job coach will tell you the same thing — ”Find something that you love doing.”

I almost hate to say the same thing, because it’s become so cliche. But here I go. You’ve got to do something that you enjoy doing. If you enjoy what you’re doing, you’ll flourish and so will your business.
What gives you fulfillment and satisfaction in life? Well, you can probably do that — or some variation of it — for a living.
Tim Ferriss calls it a “muse,” which sounds a kind of fairy taile and dreamy. But it works, because it’s built on a solid principle:   “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life” (Confucius)
Here’s how to turn this principle into a business idea:  Figure out how to monetize what you love.
You love rock climbing? How about being a rock climbing instructor?
You find fulfillment in organizing spaces and maximizing workflow? How about becoming a productivity consultant?
You love space travel? Then, heck, start building rockets.
Find out what you love. Do it, and turn it into a business.
2. Identify your biggest frustration.
Think for a minute. What’s the biggest frustration in your life right now?