Employee - (unusual) vocab...

acquihire adminisphere boomerang boreout bossnapping bozo explosion brain waste career coachcasualization clockless worker corporate concierge corridor cruiser coworkation coworking daughter track dilbert dog-collar worker double-hatter duvet day e-cruitment emotional labor engaged workaholic eternity leave fake-ation fauxductivity flexecutive flexicurity free agent ghost work gig economy glass ceiling glowboy go captive going plural golden bungee golden handcuffs golden hellogranny leave gray matter hedgehog concept hi-pot human cloud job lock job spill labor touristlactation room lifestyle office lion food marzipan layer meat in a seat microwork modem cowboyMongolian hordes mucus trooper multicrastinating off-the-clock office spouse office-free open-collar worker orange-collar oven-ready plug and play portfolio worker post and pray post-traumatic job switcher pre-cation precariat puppy leave rainbow ceiling rat-race equilibrium return on talentreturnment robo-signer seagull manager slashie snoopervision soccer leave social notworking soul proprietor spent tent stay-at-work mom sticky floor sunlighting T-shaped telework teleworkaholic syndrome TGIM third workplace tip creep torpedo twintern two-pizza team Uberization underload syndrome undertime unsourcing upshifter uptitling vacation bank vacation deprivation virtual manager warm-chair attrition weisure work-life balance work-life overload workamper workfarceworklessness workshifting workweek creep zero drag