Marketing objectives - examples

Marketing is essential for any organization that wants to raise awareness about itself, its products or its services. As the famous saying goes, "He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well is not as apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers." Regardless of whether it's dollars you're after, having clear, established goals in getting the word out will help you successfully implement a marketing plan.

Increase Sales

One of the most important goals of marketing for-profit entities is driving business and increasing sales. Marketing needs a good return on investment -- meaning the increase in sales should significantly exceed the cost of the marketing -- and should therefore be specific. It is often insufficient to simply state an objective of increasing sales by a certain percentage. The more specific, the better -- "increase sales among women over 40," or "increase the number of people who make a purchase while browsing our online store by 20 percent."

Improve Product Awareness

A marketing effort can be focused at reviving or invigorating interest in a product that has been on the market for a long time or about which people have longstanding attitudes. A good example is the ubiquitous "Got Milk?" campaign, which was started by the California Milk Processor Board in the mid-90s, but is now used nationwide. According to the man behind the campaign, the effort helped the industry achieve a 91 percent awareness rating after it was in use for two years.

Establish Yourself in the Industry

A new organization will find it extremely difficult to be heard above the noise in a crowded marketplace, with a public distracted by many stimuli. An example of a marketing objective for organizations with little public awareness could be: "Become one of the top three brands in our industry named among consumers." An example of a successful marketing campaign in the 21st century is that of, a company that hosts websites. It made a splash by running provocative ads in high-profile places, such as during the Super Bowl.

Brand Management

Maintaining a place in the mind of the public takes work, and some marketing efforts are simply aimed to maintain a prominence in the public space. Major organizations known worldwide, such as McDonald's and Nike, often run ads that simply use images and tone to remind consumers of the brand, rather than promote a particular product or service. An example of a similar marketing objective could be, "Have our brand be recognized around the world, with no further explanation." Starbucks generated a lot of free publicity in 2011 by removing the company name from its logo, relying on simply the well-known siren to remind customers of the company.