Year 9 2016 paper. Marking guidelines.

3 (a)

1 mark for correct way (AO1), plus one mark for development/description (AO2) 

Apply twice to give a mark out of 4. 

Possible answers include 

• greater range of goods 

• better quality/esteem products 

• lower prices (exchange rate can be used as an explanation – not as a reason - if correctly applied and clearly linked to benefits to UK consumers) 


International trade means there is a bigger range of goods available to consumers (1) International trade will open up competition (1) and result in prices of goods falling (1).

3 (b)

Possible answers include 

• foreign made components become more expensive 

• overseas sales should increase as watches appear cheaper in foreign currencies 

• UK sales should increase as foreign competitors become more expensive to UK buyers 

• It will be more expensive for UK watch producers to pay for overseas advertising and other selling costs paid for in local currencies.

3 ( c )

Arguments that might be used: 

• UK watch makers lose sales if reputation of watches falls 

• keeps prices affordable to UK consumers 

• opportunity for poorer countries to develop 

• encourages sweatshops/crime etc 

• poorer quality/some products dangerous 

• genuine businesses close with loss of jobs 

• cost to Government of enforcing counterfeit goods 

• loss of exclusivity of product reduces demand.

Judgement is being made in relation to the conclusion made 

A clear judgement is one that follows logically from the arguments raised elsewhere in the response. The judgment made is unambiguous and realistic with the candidate having articulated the reason(s) for his/her particular choice, rather than leaving it to the examiner to infer the reason(s).